• 学术作品



    作者: 王瑾
    出版社: 北京大学出版社
    副标题: 广告、媒介与商业文化
    原作名: Brand New China: Advertising, Media and Commercial Culture
    译者: 何朝阳 / 韦琳
    出版年: 2012-10-1
    页数: 302
    定价: 36.00元
    装帧: 平装
    丛书: 培文·媒介与文化译丛
    ISBN: 9787301212769


    石头的故事/The Story of Stone

    石头的故事/The Story of Stone

    作者: [美]王瑾
    出版社: 上海文艺出版社
    出品方: 新行思 / 艺文志eons
    副标题: 中国古代传说与《红楼梦》《西游记》《水浒传》
    原作名: The Story of Stone
    译者: 傅圣迪
    出版年: 2023-5
    定价: 88
    装帧: 精装
    ISBN: 9787532186112

    本书汇集了中国神话、古代传说、民间传统、艺术和文学,是第一本收集中国文化中石神话和石传说来源的书籍。作者将中国古典研究与当代西方理论关注相结合,通过分析中国传统中的互文性来审视这些文本中石头的象征意义。她对《西游记》中猴子的矛盾性格、 《红楼梦》叙事逻辑的循环性、《水浒传》中石碑的结构必要性等长期存在的批判性问题贡献了有启发的解读。对中文读者来说,三部经典小说有着超越时间的生命力,该书将三部经典与中国更古老的神话传说联系了起来,有其不可替代的价值。
    Locating China:Space, Place, and Popular Culture

    Locating China:Space, Place, and Popular Culture

    作者: Wang, Jing (EDT)
    出版社: Routledge
    副标题: Space, Place, and Popular Culture
    出版年: 2005-8-8
    页数: 256
    定价: USD 188.00
    装帧: Hardcover
    丛书: Routledge Studies on China in Transition
    ISBN: 9780415366557

    Locating China explores the political economy of place, space and popular culture in contemporary China. This multidisciplinary volume examines the mutual articulations between cultural imaginary and China's continuing drive toward urbanization. The consequences of this relationship are shown to be the development of new space and places, and new forms of spatial practices, thus weakening old concepts of the "local" and "locality."

    The international group of scholars incorporate theoretical inquiries of space with grounded empirical work on multiple locals throughout China. From village discotheques in Guizhou to tourist villas, tea houses in Hainan to architectural extravaganzas in Shanshen the contributors argue that local places and local cultural practices are not constrained with the local scale. This therefore raises the question - how does the meaning transfer between the local, the national and the global?
    Chinese Popular Culture and the State

    Chinese Popular Culture and the State

    作者: Wang, Jing (EDT)
    出版社: Duke University Press
    出版年: 2001
    页数: 260
    定价: US$14.00
    装帧: Paperback
    ISBN: 9780822364917

    The State Question in Chinese Popular Culture presents a series of groundbreaking essays that challenge the paradigm dividing Chinese culture into "official" and "unofficial" categories. This binary, which mirrors the "high/low" dichotomy familiar to all practitioners of cultural studies, finds its roots in Cold-War Western romanticization of a Chinese popular culture that stood in defiant opposition to the Communist state. This special issue disputes such simplistic representations and offers new critical trajectories crucial to the study of contemporary Chinese popular culture
    High Culture Fever

    High Culture Fever

    作者: jing wang
    出版社: University of California Press
    副标题: Politics, Aesthetics, and Ideology in Deng's China
    出版年: 09/01/1996
    页数: 399
    定价: USD 24.95
    装帧: Paperback
    ISBN: 9780520202955

    Jing Wang offers the first overview of the feverish decade of the 1980s in China, from early reexaminations of Maoism through the crackdown in Tiananmen Square. Wang's energetic, creative, and highly intelligent take on Chinese culture provides a broad portrait of the post-revolutionary era and a provocative inquiry into the nature of Chinese modernity.

    In seven linked essays, the author examines the cultural dynamics that have given rise to the epochal discourse. She traces the Chinese Marxists' short debate over "socialist alienation" and examines the various schools of thought—Li Zehou and the Marxist Reconstruction of Confucianism, the neo-Confucian Revivalists, and the Enlightenment School—that came into play in the Culture Fever. She also critiques the controversial mini-series Yellow River Elegy. In mapping out China's post-revolutionary aesthetics, Wang introduces the debate over "pseudo-modernism," refutes the pseudo-proposition of "Chinese postmodernism," and looks at the dawning of popular cult
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